14.12.2022 @ 08:30 – 16:00

Tervetuloa Kohti kestäviä hankintoja -hankkeen päätöswebinaariin keskiviikkona 14.12.2022 klo 8:30 alkaen. Tapahtumapaikkana toimii Arktikum ja Polarium Sali. Tarjoamme kutsuvieraille päivän aikana kahvit ja lounaan. Tapahtuma on englanninkielinen.
8:30 Welcome and Coffee, Polarium Auditorium
9:00 Event Opening Words Rector Riitta Rissanen, Lapland University of Applied Sciences
9:10 Towards Sustainable Tendering Project Manager Mika Uitto, FrostBit Lab., Lapland University of Applied Sciences
9:20 Keynote 1 Greetings from European Parliament MEP Mauri Pekkarinen
10:00 Sustainable Energy Industry Senior Lecturer Petri Kuisma, Lapland University of Applied Sciences.
10:30 Green Transition and Sustainable Challenges Postdoctoral Researcher Antonio Calò, University of Oulu
11:00 Developing effectiveness of public procurement in Hankinta-Suomi Hankinta-Suomi Program Manager Maria Röykkä, Ministry of Finance Finland
12:00 LUNCH
13:00 Keynote 2 Sustainable Business Models Professor Jan Jonker, Sustainable development at the Nijmegen School of Management at Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
13:40 Sustainable aspects on Tourism, mining, forestry and wellbeing industries in Finnish Lapland Sustainable Development Specialist Hanna-Leena Pesonen, Regional Council of Lapland
14:10 Coffee Break and WORKSHOPS, Aurora conference room Planet centric design, Vincit ltd. Victoria Palacin
15:30 Workshop results and closing words